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Very few can survive the wild
Discovery Channel's "Naked and Afraid" all-star Laura Zerra is one of them. Now, she's joined forces with us at Nutrient Survival to help you survive too.

A prepared mindset can save your life
Survival. Adventure. No Limits. Just Instinct.
Don’t get emotional or scared. Stay calm. Prioritize your most pressing needs - shelter, fire, food, water. Ask: What will kill you first? It’s either dehydration or more likely exposure. Stay in the moment. Stay focused. Start surviving.
Designed out of Shared values
In high stress situations, your body and mind can fail. That’s why you need Nutrient Survival. Top-shelf, delicious, Special Ops grade nutrition. Designed to exceed the nutritional standards of the US military for its Special Operations Forces, but intended for people like us. It’s preparedness through nutrition. A new, essential ingredient in life’s toolkit. So you can protect what you love.